Children's book author

Learn about the author who’s books focus on affirmations

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I am happy to help others, because I would not be where I am without the guidance of those around me.

I am immeasurably thankful to the community, and support that I have. You all are truly a treasure worth more than gold.

I am nothing without the love of my support system. No one can convinced me that my ancestors are not immensely proud of me.

Cathartic as it may seem, I write to uplift, release and reflect. Finding inner peace from this form of expression since 2000.

Master of Social Work - The Ohio State University ‘13

I believe every single person on the planet has some form of trauma. But not all of us are well equipped to handle ourselves with the care we need, when we needed it; especially children.

Thus I write to connect and encourage neuroplasticity. Rewiring how you think, to help you build tools that can better equip you in overcoming adversity. I am a Psychotherapist (LCSW).

Eagerly helping others increase their self awareness so that they can better identify and change cumbersome cognitions which impact their emotions and often times influence their behaviors.

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Kid's love reading

Inspiration for the book

I was inspired to write this story to reinforce the power of proclamation.

There is power in someone proclaiming Who They Are, and unfortunately, often times people adhere to the labels others have used to try to define them. No matter if they agree with those labels or not.

It’s important to learn and define who you are and who you want to be, especially our youth. “I Am…”, declarations are powerful and with various influences having access to youth, I believe it is important to help build up children and youth so that they are confident and able to define and proclaim themselves to others.

I aspire to uplift and strengthen our youth so that they can face the world on solid, unshakable feet.